
listen SMS songs (2012)

Friday 10 February 2012

PrakashRaj Is Hit! Dhoni Is Retired Hurt!!

India's two biggest religions, cinema and cricket are mingled today by this versatile actor and here comes the result. Prakash Raj is hit. Dhoni is retired hurt.

Opened with much hype, DHONI has not garnered much as it is hyped. Audiences are finding fault with the director inside Prakash Raj, who finds faults with parents throughout the flick. While the actor in him needs no introduction, it has done justice to its role, with people saying 'PR is a hit'. Much to our excitement, there is nothing new offered in this film as it looks like a combo of many such films that came in the recent past.

Once we feel like the story is running smooth, there are some sudden goose bumps with unwanted cliché scenes. Prakash Raj's directorial skills are no match to his exceptional acting abilities. The film looks okay with the support given by Maestro's Ilayaraja's soulful renditions and Sirivennela's lyrics. Though critics are not making the movie 'out' with a flop tag, it will exit theaters sooner like a 'retired hurt' batsman, is the talk.


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