Amitabh Bachchan has sung many songs in his career- from Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Me from Kabhi Kabhi and Mere Angane mein from Laawaris to Main yahaan from Baghban and the Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap title track. Now music director duo, Vishal-Shekhar, have got Big B into the studio again, to sing a motivational song for Sujoy Ghosh’s forthcoming film, Kahaani. The song being inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s Ekla chalo re, means a lot to senior B and we heard that he recently re-recorded it, just to get it right. In a recent interview, he said, “I plan to re-record it, again and again if necessary, till I get it right. Otherwise, not just by the Bengalis who consider me their ‘jamai babu’ (son-in-law), my head will be chopped off in my own house.” We really appreciate the hard work put in by the veteran and hope it works in the interest of the film.
listen SMS songs (2012)
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