Deepika Padukone is in the news big time – whether it’s for her love life or for her work. The actor is reportedly bouncing into a rebound in her personal life, going back to the first lover we have heard of, Nihar Pandya, after her romantic liaison with Sidhartha Mallya went kaput. In between, there was also news of Ranbir Kapoor trying to woo her back, but that could be just a PR gimmick, since the two will soon star in a film together.
But with every downside, the silver lining in that particular cloud brings in a brand new and very high upside. Dips might be unlucky in love, but she certainly is not where her career is concerned. She is landing film after prestigious film, in spite of the critics insisting that she is not a very good actor, and it seems she has become the hot favourite of south Superstar Rajinikanth and his daughter Soundarya. Like we told you yesterday, Deepika will not only star with Rajini in Rana – to be worked on soon enough, though not immediately, since it is stunt-intensive and the Superstar is not yet in condition to exert himself too much – but also in his much hyped 3D opus Kochadaiyaan. She has overtaken other contenders for the role, including Bollywood’s hottest star Katrina Kaif who was apparently the frontrunner in this race.
So who needs a boyfriend when you have Rajinikanth to hold your hand…never mind if it is only onscreen!
But with every downside, the silver lining in that particular cloud brings in a brand new and very high upside. Dips might be unlucky in love, but she certainly is not where her career is concerned. She is landing film after prestigious film, in spite of the critics insisting that she is not a very good actor, and it seems she has become the hot favourite of south Superstar Rajinikanth and his daughter Soundarya. Like we told you yesterday, Deepika will not only star with Rajini in Rana – to be worked on soon enough, though not immediately, since it is stunt-intensive and the Superstar is not yet in condition to exert himself too much – but also in his much hyped 3D opus Kochadaiyaan. She has overtaken other contenders for the role, including Bollywood’s hottest star Katrina Kaif who was apparently the frontrunner in this race.
So who needs a boyfriend when you have Rajinikanth to hold your hand…never mind if it is only onscreen!
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