Mega powerstar Ram Charan Tej is currently busy with the shooting of his new movie 'Racha' and just when everyone thought that the film will be wrapped up smoothly, trouble has arrived. This has happened in Kerala where Charan was shootng for a song in the Periyar Tiger Reserve, (PTR).
It is heard that he is accompanied by the milky white beauty Tamannah. Both were supposed to take part in few songs but it is heard that the forest officer has given an objection. He has reportedly stated that the lead pair should wear life jackets since they are shooting atop a lake. But this has not gone well with director Sampath Nandi, as per sources.
While he has refused for the life jackets, it is heard that the forest officials have ordered to stop work. Without any other choice, the makers of 'Racha' required to cancel the shooting. Further details about the next step would be revealed soon. The music is by Melody Brahma Mani Sharma.
It is heard that he is accompanied by the milky white beauty Tamannah. Both were supposed to take part in few songs but it is heard that the forest officer has given an objection. He has reportedly stated that the lead pair should wear life jackets since they are shooting atop a lake. But this has not gone well with director Sampath Nandi, as per sources.
While he has refused for the life jackets, it is heard that the forest officials have ordered to stop work. Without any other choice, the makers of 'Racha' required to cancel the shooting. Further details about the next step would be revealed soon. The music is by Melody Brahma Mani Sharma.
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