Ritu Kumar, who is well-known for her exquisitely designed Indian wear, has put together the wedding outfits for Genelia D’Souza. The designer opted for elegant styles for the bride who will tie the knot with long-time boyfriend Riteish Deshmukh on February 3. “Genelia is such a young and petite girl that it was fun to make the wedding trousseau for her. I avoided bling and shimmer because I didn’t want clothes to overshadow her personality. Hence the silhouette which I designed for her is simple yet elegant and chic,” says Kumar and continues, “I have chosen colours that will enhance her vivacious personality. She can carry off the traditional Indian look beautifully. The Anarkali and lehenga designed will complement Genelia.”
For her mehendi ceremony, the 24-year-old bride will wear a nude and black net Anarkali kameez with panelled layers, teamed with a black-and-nude-coloured dupatta and a nude-coloured churidar. And for the wedding day Kumar has designed a lehenga choli inspired from a 19th century archival piece. It’s a gold-and-indigo blue-coloured ensemble; the blouse is made of indigo blue velvet with antique dhapka embroidery and the lehenga has gold weaving with zardosi embroidery. We are sure the lovely designs will make Genelia look her best on her special day!
For her mehendi ceremony, the 24-year-old bride will wear a nude and black net Anarkali kameez with panelled layers, teamed with a black-and-nude-coloured dupatta and a nude-coloured churidar. And for the wedding day Kumar has designed a lehenga choli inspired from a 19th century archival piece. It’s a gold-and-indigo blue-coloured ensemble; the blouse is made of indigo blue velvet with antique dhapka embroidery and the lehenga has gold weaving with zardosi embroidery. We are sure the lovely designs will make Genelia look her best on her special day!
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