Super Star Mahesh Babu and Kajal Agarwal starrer upcoming film Businessman under the direction of Puri Jagannath has completed the censor formalities today. Censor board officials awarded the movie with A certificate and also done few minor cuts. Now the movie is all set to hit the big screen in record number of theaters on January 11, 2012.
Mahesh Babu is acting as 'Surya' in this movie. The characterization of Surya presented with loads of heroism just like Pokiri character.
Here are some of the highlights in the movie:
* Mahesh babu's punch line dialogues.
* Action Sequences
* Kajal Agarwal's glamour
* Music
* Comedy track
* Same style of Puri Jagannath Direction
* Huge Violence: Censor Board has given A certificate
* Audience are comparing movie with Pokiri and Dookudu.
R R Venkat is producing the movie under RR Movie Makers banner. SS Thaman has scored the music.
Here are some of the highlights in the movie:
* Mahesh babu's punch line dialogues.
* Action Sequences
* Kajal Agarwal's glamour
* Music
* Comedy track
* Same style of Puri Jagannath Direction
* Huge Violence: Censor Board has given A certificate
* Audience are comparing movie with Pokiri and Dookudu.
R R Venkat is producing the movie under RR Movie Makers banner. SS Thaman has scored the music.
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