Like several other Bollywood actresses, Vidya Balan too was inspired by Madhuri Dixit. "I was crazy about Madhuri Dixit's Ek Do Teen and I used to break into a dance everytime it played. In, fact I started to believe that I could be a junior Madhuri Dixit... I am sure several others would have also felt that way," Vidya told reporters here after unveiling the first look of her forthcoming film Kahani.
"But that was the time when I felt I should be an actor," she said. Interestingly, Madhuri is likely to play the leading lady in Dedh Isqhiya, sequel to Vidya's film.
In Kahani, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, Vidya plays a pregnant woman who comes to Kolkata in search of her husband. The film releases on March 9. At the event, Vidya had put on a baby bump, to look like her character in the film.
"But that was the time when I felt I should be an actor," she said. Interestingly, Madhuri is likely to play the leading lady in Dedh Isqhiya, sequel to Vidya's film.
In Kahani, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, Vidya plays a pregnant woman who comes to Kolkata in search of her husband. The film releases on March 9. At the event, Vidya had put on a baby bump, to look like her character in the film.
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