Surya's upcoming film Maatraan under the direction of K V Anand is currently in shooting phase. As per the makers of Maatraan, Maatraan will be Surya's biggest release till date. Now the latest news is that, Maatraan's Telugu rights are sold to Multi Dimensional Films which is owned by Bellamkonda Suresh for a whopping amount of 17 crores.
The movie was shot in various locations in Russia, European Countries and Tamil Nadu. Kajal Aggarwal is playing female lead role in the movie. Vivek is playing an important role in the movie. Maatraan is based on present day story with perfect blend of action thriller.
KV Anand is directing the movie and Harris Jayaraj is composing music. AGS Entertainment is producing the movie. The movie is scheduled to hit big screens on June 2012.
The movie was shot in various locations in Russia, European Countries and Tamil Nadu. Kajal Aggarwal is playing female lead role in the movie. Vivek is playing an important role in the movie. Maatraan is based on present day story with perfect blend of action thriller.
KV Anand is directing the movie and Harris Jayaraj is composing music. AGS Entertainment is producing the movie. The movie is scheduled to hit big screens on June 2012.
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