Victory Venkatesh has accepted a new film titled 'Shadow' under the direction of Meher Ramesh is launching tomorrow at Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. Now the latest buzz is that, Tapsee has been roped to play the lead lady role in this film. Earlier it was reported that, Richa Gangopadhayay is playing the female lead role in this movie. However it is not confirmed officially, who will romance with Venkatesh in this movie.
Strong buzz is that, Venkatesh will be seen as a Mafia Don role in the film. If this is to be believed, Venkatesh is playing first time Don role in his film carrier. Story of the movie is provided by Gopi Mohan. Kona Venkat will provide dialogues to this film. Thaman will score the music for the film and produced by Paruchuri Prasad.
Strong buzz is that, Venkatesh will be seen as a Mafia Don role in the film. If this is to be believed, Venkatesh is playing first time Don role in his film carrier. Story of the movie is provided by Gopi Mohan. Kona Venkat will provide dialogues to this film. Thaman will score the music for the film and produced by Paruchuri Prasad.
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